Star Trek Online

Enter Star Trek Online Giveaways. Claim free Star Trek Online codes, keys, coupons and unlock free ships, zen, episodes, premium membership, uniforms, in-game items and more!


Star Trek Online: Introducing the Gamma Task Force Reputation!

The Gamma Task Force is a coalition of military and scientific forces from across the Galaxy with th...[Read More]

Star Trek Online: Introducing The Gamma Quadrant Battlezone!

The Victory is Life expansion is fast approaching and with it, a new battlezone is going to be intro...[Read More]

Star Trek Online: Face the Test of the Kobayashi Maru!

The Kobayashi Maru, also known as the Starfleet’s most notorious test is waiting for you! The ...[Read More]

Star Trek Online: Deep Space Nine Gets a Total Rebuild

It has been long anticipated so the developers of Star Trek Online decided that in the wake of the V...[Read More]

Star Trek Online: Play as a Cardassian!

Victory is Life is just around the corner and as it is tightly connected with Deep Space Nine, the d...[Read More]

Star Trek Online: Welcome to Season 14.5

During last year’s Fall and Winter we met Neth Par, a Tzenkethi defector who helped the Allian...[Read More]

Star Trek Online Scorpion Fighter Key Giveaway

Steelseries and Perfect World Entertainment are giving away free Scorpion Fighter keys! Click the re...[Read More]

Star Trek Online: Victory Is Life – Fourth Expansion, Coming June 2018!

Victory is Life is the fourth expansion in the Star Trek Online universe and is dedicated to the ext...[Read More]

Star Trek Online: Enter the Breach!

Brave Captains, the Breach event is back on Star Trek Online! Fly your ship in and out of the Voth F...[Read More]

Star Trek Online: PC Lifetime Subscription Sale!

Greetings brave Captains! Your favorite game, Star Trek Online is having a sale on Lifetime Subscrip...[Read More]

Star Trek Online: Anniversary Ship – T6 Bajoran Interceptor!

Brave Captains! As you already know, during the celebrations for the 8th anniversary of your beloved...[Read More]

Star Trek Online: Eighth Anniversary Giveaways – Free Costumes!

It has been almost 8 years since Star Trek Online took us to the vast space for the first time; from...[Read More]

PG Weekly Roundup – Star Wars: The Old Republic Huge Giveaway and Other Games’ Promotions, Announcements and Updates! – Week 49

Star Wars: The Old Republic – NVIDIA GeForce© ‘Rule the Galaxy Story Pack’ Giveaway In one of the mo...[Read More]

Star Trek Online: Infinity Duty Officer Promotion!

The return of all previously-available Duty Officer Packs and the introduction of the Tzenkethi Tzen...[Read More]

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