Rohan: Blood Feud Review

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Rohan: Blood Feud is a MMORPG that was developed and published by YNK Interactive in May 2008. Starting out players get to choose one of the seven starting races which are: Human, Elf, Half Elf, Giant, Dhan, Dekan and Dark Elf. A good thing at this point is the fact that both genders are available to choose from.

Depending on the race you choose you get to pick specific classes depending on that choice. These are: Knight, Guardian Defender for Humans, White Mage, Priest, Templar for Elves, Archer, Ranger, Scout for Half Elves, Dragon Fighter, Dragon Knight and Dragon Mage for Dekan, Assassin, Avenger and Predator for Dhan, Warlock, Wizard and Mage for Dark Elves and finally Warrior, Berserker and Savage for Giants.

A really important aspect of MMO’s that Rohan has managed to capture, is the extensive tutorial and early levels of the game that offer in depth analysis and allow new players to get acquainted with the game without being overly flooded with a clustered UI and bombarded with too much info in one go.

When it was released the game had quality graphics but I feel that after so many years they have aged and look a bit outdated, compared to more recent MMO’s and they would require quite a bit of polish in order to bring them up a notch.

Even though the game was released almost ten years ago, Rohan: Blood Feud, has some nice class choices, an extensive scenario and a multitude of quest types that keep it interesting to this day. The graphics might be a turn off for most players, however if you can look past that the game has some fun to offer and as it is free to play I would suggest giving it a try.

Minimum System Requirements

Operating System: Windows 2000 SP 4, Windows 98 SE
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz, AMD Sempron 2.0 GHz or more
Memory (RΑΜ): 512 MB
Hard Disk Space: 6 GB
Graphics Card: Geforce FX, Radeon 9600 or more


  • No gender locked classes
  • Very good tutorial


  • Graphics are a bit outdated and may be a turn off for some


Growing up I had the luck to encounter the art of video games at a very young age in South Africa in 1990. I was captivated from the first moment I played video games from the educational math games at school to the purely entertaining video games at home. This love cultivated in studying Audio and Visual Arts, where I created the interactive audiovisual play in the form of a video game titled "The Life of Death". Over the last few years I have also been a videogame journalist as a hobby. Recently, I completed my Postgraduate studies in Games Art and Design at the University of Hertfordshire. My goal is to get into the video games industry and be a part of the creation process of video games.
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