Dream of Mirror Online (DOMO) is an anime inspired free-to-play MMORPG developed by Softstar Entertainment and later published by Suba Games. Even though this game was a big hit when it first released, sometimes even compared to Runescape it was soon almost dead until it was revived with its launch on Steam.If there was just one title for this game’s genre then it would be social MMORPG, which is exactly how Suba Games characterizes it as. In DOMO you can have a variety of social interactions with other players. You can create a status of teacher, friend, brother etc with them as well as marry the one you are closest to. You can even create private channels for you and your friends to hang out and chat.What the game brags about is the fact that you don’t actually have a class. You start off as a commoner and progress to unlock all skills from all classes and activities like farming, fishing, crafting etc until you can completely become what you want.DOMO implements a cool pet system with which you can capture any monster you encounter after it is weakened by your attacks with the use of a Monster Trapping Mirror. These pets fight alongside you, sometimes so powerfully that can break the game’s balance.Dream of Mirror Online graphics may be characterized as dated by most people since textures and UI really feel old. If you were a lover of this game as a kid though you won’t find that as irritating. This may be the first reason why DOMO doesn’t have as much new players as it deserves.What this games lacks though is consistency. Even though it was revived by being added into Steam, it is known to have a really small playerbase and a lot of bugs which are nerve breaking at some points. Small things though like its daily treasure hunts and mounting swords and flying carpets is where its balance lies.To sum up, Dream of Mirror Online is a cool MMORPG to play if you want to relive your childhood and try its various social features. Otherwise it is just a plain dated anime-stylized MMO that lacks purpose and impressive battle system.Minimum System RequirementsOperating System: Windows XP SP 3 or newer Processor: Intel Pentium 4 1.3 GHz Memory (RAM): 512 MB Hard Disk Space: 2 GB Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce 3 / ATI Radeon 85003D Client MMORPG