Harry Kontaxis

Growing up I had the luck to encounter the art of video games at a very young age in South Africa in 1990. I was captivated from the first moment I played video games from the educational math games at school to the purely entertaining video games at home. This love cultivated in studying Audio and Visual Arts, where I created the interactive audiovisual play in the form of a video game titled "The Life of Death". Over the last few years I have also been a videogame journalist as a hobby. Recently, I completed my Postgraduate studies in Games Art and Design at the University of Hertfordshire. My goal is to get into the video games industry and be a part of the creation process of video games.


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Survarium Review

Survarium is a FPS MMO developed and released as Early Access by Vostok Games in January 2015. As the game is being developed, new content is always being added. The goal of the game is to reach one day a state where it will be considered an unofficial S.T.A.L.K.E.R sequel. Starting the game players will notice that there is not much surviving going around at least not yet. The game in its current...[Read More]




Survarium is a FPS MMO developed and released by Vostok Games in 2015 and is in Early Access. The goal of the game is to reach an official release and be a spiritual successor to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R game that was released from the same company.The game currently features six modes: Battery retrieval, Research, Team Deathmatch, Artifact Hunt, Slaughter and the newly added PvE that is in developme...[Read More]


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