Fable Fortune is a Trading Card Game developed and published by Flaming Fowl Studios on July 2017. The world that the game takes place is Albion and in it two players face each other until one of their health bars drops to zero. It is really easy to pick a hero and start battling as there are multiple heroes and each one of them has preconstructed decks to try out. For players with more imaginatio...[Read More]
Fable Fortune is a Trading Card Game that is developed and published by Flaming Fowl Studios on July 2017 on Early Access on Steam. It is based on the Fable game franchise that was developed by Lionhead Studios and after its closure, former employees founded Flaming Fowl Studios to continue their work on it. The world of Fable is called Albion and in it two players face each other until one of the...[Read More]
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