Harry Kontaxis

Growing up I had the luck to encounter the art of video games at a very young age in South Africa in 1990. I was captivated from the first moment I played video games from the educational math games at school to the purely entertaining video games at home. This love cultivated in studying Audio and Visual Arts, where I created the interactive audiovisual play in the form of a video game titled "The Life of Death". Over the last few years I have also been a videogame journalist as a hobby. Recently, I completed my Postgraduate studies in Games Art and Design at the University of Hertfordshire. My goal is to get into the video games industry and be a part of the creation process of video games.



GodsWar Online Review

GodsWar Online is an MMORPG developed and published by IGG and was released in May 2009. The setting takes place in Ancient Greece and players have the chance of choosing between a Priest, a Warrior, a Champion and a Mage. The game is split into two factions to choose from when starting your adventure and those are the faction of Athena and the faction of the Spartans. The environment has cute and...[Read More]


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Heroes In the Sky

Heroes in the Sky is a MMO airplane simulation shooter game developed by GameUS and published by JCPlanet in March 2015. The game takes place during the Second World War, with players having to pick a side between the Axis Force, formed by Germany, Italy and Japan and the Alliance forces, formed by England, France, USA and the Soviet Union. The game features PvE in the form of Scenarios and Co-Op ...[Read More]



Heroes In the Sky Review

Heroes in the Sky is a MMO airplane simulation shooter game developed by GameUS and published by JC Planet in March 2015. The game takes place during the Second World War and players have to choose between the Axis Forces formed by Germany, Italy and Japan and the Alliance Forces formed by England, France, USA and the Soviet Union. Contrary to other flight simulation games that feature complex con...[Read More]


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