Rohan: Blood Feud is a MMORPG that was developed and published by YNK Interactive in May 2008. Starting out players get to choose one of the seven starting races which are: Human, Elf, Half Elf, Giant, Dhan, Dekan and Dark Elf. A good thing at this point is the fact that both genders are available to choose from. Depending on the race you choose you get to pick specific classes depending on that c...[Read More]
Rohan: Blood Feud is a free to play MMORPG that was developed and published by YNK Interactive in May 2008. The game had impressive graphics when it was released but after so many years they need some polishing to be on par with more recent MMO’s. However the game offers a multitude of races like Humans, Elves, Half Elves, Giants, Dhan, Dekan and Dark Elves. Each one of those races has their own s...[Read More]
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