Free 50 Strains Of Virus [ENDED]

Free 50 Strains Of Virus [ENDED]

What’s up all? We have another great offer from Microsoft for 50 Strains Of Virus. Let’s hear them out.

Get 50 Strains Of Virus for FREE!

A few words about 50 Strains Of Virus

Enjoy watching movies about super dangerous infections that turn all the humanity into blood-thirsty zombies in no time? There is a chance to be on the other side of the chaos.

50 Strains Of Virus leaves you with a pathogen and the humanity in its blissful ignorance – you know what to do. The virus might seem like a flu or common cold at first, but how to develop it is up to you. Your virus doesn’t have a particular name, or, rather, it has whole 50 strains in it, and that is your strength. What started with running nose and sore throat might end paralyzing one’s whole body – quite a riddle for the scientists.

Develop your virus, let it mutate, gain strength and resistance, becoming more and more fatal. Score DNA points for new infected territories and spend them on upgrading abilities, transmission and severity.
Mind the biologists and geneticists – they will compete to develop a cure and damage your plan. Track your progress and remember: there are many ways to develop your virus, but there are few that are strong enough to eradicate the humanity.

Last minute notes

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