Star Trek Online: Announcing the Recon Destroyer Bundle! Theodoros Eleftheriou August 22, 2018 No Comments 833 views News Star Trek Online welcomes two brand-new ships, the New Orleans class, updated in 25th century to the Lafayette Class, and the Klingon Empire’s Ketha-class Recon Raptor! They will soon be available for purchase at the C-store, individually and as a bundle!Lafayette-Class Recon DestroyerIn this perilous times, reconnaissance and exploration is a difficult task; the Lafayette-class Recon Destroyer is designed to be a vessel dedicated to information gathering and scientific study but with an armored hand ready to deliver a rather nasty punch! Not as tough as a cruiser or as swift as an escort ship, it can mount heavy canons and an experimental weapon, and comes equipped with the powerful Hyper-Focusing Trinary Arrays console.The ship’s design is a combination of the Andromeda and the Galaxy class; the first was used as a base while the latter contributed the longer pylons, longer nacelles, and the signature mission pods.Klingon Ketha-class Recon RaptorThe Ketha-class Recon Raptor is the Klingon counterpart to the Lafayette-class Recon Destroyer and a fierce addition to the Imperial Fleet. It’s a powerful adversary that can cloak, mount dual canons and an experimental weapon and is fitted with the Hyper-Focusing Trinary Arrays console.The classic Raptor class design is used here with additions like the signature pods, also found in the Lafayette class ships, a large section of negative space and a new placement for the traditional Klingon piping which gave the starship a distinct new look when compared to other Raptor designs.For more information, you can check the Official page Facebook Twitter Pinterest Reddit Want to be a hero gamer? Join our newsletter to gain exclusive access to the latest news in the MMO gaming world, giveaways, as well as weekly insights about free MMORPG, Browser, MOBA and mobile games. Email address: Leave this field empty if you're human: Star Trek Online Theodoros Eleftheriou It was back at 1996 when Theodoros bought his first Personal Computer and with it a copy of Shogun : Total War. That was the beginning of many sleepless nights of exploring the fantastic world of gaming. He calls himself an “expert” defender and that’s his favorite gameplay style but he will not hesitate to grab a shield and go forth to protect his team as a tank. So next time you adventure in Azeroth and see a shield bearing cow named Klaras, you have found our guy! He is also a great fan of Role Playing Games. From Icewind Dale to Neverwinter Nights and Skyrim, you name it, he has played it all! He is not your average casual gamer, he is a dedicated fan!Related Items Subscribe Notify of new follow-up commentsnew replies to my comments Label {} [+] Name* Email* Website I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy The comment form collects your name, email and content to allow us keep track of the comments placed on the website. Please read and accept our website Terms and Privacy Policy to post a comment. ΔSign me up for the newsletter! Label {} [+] Name* Email* Website I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy The comment form collects your name, email and content to allow us keep track of the comments placed on the website. Please read and accept our website Terms and Privacy Policy to post a comment. ΔSign me up for the newsletter!This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. 0 Comments Oldest Newest Most Voted Inline FeedbacksView all comments