Star Wars: The Old Republic: Cartel Market Specials – Week of August 1, 2017

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Star Wars: The Old Republic: Cartel Market Specials – Week of August 1, 2017

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Cartel Market Specials – Week of August 1, 2017

Are you ready to unleash the Dark Side of the Force? You’d better be, as a new Sith-themed gear bundle, plus a legendary battle mask and weapon customization arrives! So this week players still have the chance to experience some great offerings and we are taking a closer look at them.

The ultimate starter kit for a rising Sith Apprentice is the Vindicated Warrior Bundle. The Bundle includes the complete Revanite Vindicator Armor Set, a collection of Imperial-forged Lightsabers, and one of the Empire’s most popular land-speeder models. In case you had your eyes on the Stalwart Leader Pack, this week is the last week to gear up with it at special, discounted prices! Now is your chance to acquire the iconic Silent Warden and Resourceful Engineer armor sets, plus the unstoppable Dread Behemoth tank.

Finally, there are two unique direct sales. One for a fearsome weapon customization that will emit a noticeable Dark Side aura from Blasters, Rifles, and Lightsabers and another for a fabled mask that will make you harness the power of a legendary Dark Lord.

For additional information you can also visit the Official Page.

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Alexandros is a veteran Gamer, from the early glorious days of Spectrum ZX 128 and 8086 PCs. Having consumed tones of game-play hours in every existing (and non-existing) game genre, ranging from simple arcade (platform games) to complex flight sims, he possesses a vast amount of gaming experience and a quite demanding “eye”, always seeking for absolute excellence. He is currently focused on PC, PlayStation & Android platforms and his true unconditional love lies deep in the realms of classic Adventure and RPG gaming.
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